LOVE IN THE BOI: Megan and David

From End Zone to Friend Zone to #LoveInTheBOI. This is Megan and David “DMac” love story.

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Where/how did we meet?


We met at a college party 3 years ago and my best friend was in town. At the party, Dmac asked my best friend for her number..whoops. Then we became friends after that (meaning I friend zoned him), and would hang out all the time. During the summer of his graduation and me going into my sophomore year of college we started seeing each other at church every weekend and started hanging out more and the relationship just started from there (meaning I finally gave him a chance ;)). 


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Describe our first date


We went to Asiagos for our first date and after dinner we came home and went in the hot tub with some wine. That night we stayed up talking & laughing till around 3 am <3.


What are our favorite local places/things to do?


We love to go to the movies, it is probably the date we go on the most. Bodovino, Barbacoa, Luciano’s, and Flatbread are our restaurants we like to eat at frequently for date night!


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Advice for those still searching for love:


Stop searching!! Our relationship started when we both were not expecting it at all. I was in the mindset of not even wanting to talk to anyone and just focus on myself and my relationship with God. Dmac also felt the same exact way. The saying, “Love always comes when you’re not expecting it”, is 10000% true. Start focusing on yourself, make yourself happy, and love will come (we promise <3).

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Thank you Megan and DMac for sharing your #LoveInTheBOI story! Make sure to follow Megan and Dmac on social media for all their adventures.